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  • Sai Harshitha Mopuru


Just imagine, how would our life be without music?

Once the famous Shakespeare said, “If music is the food of love, play on, give me excess of it; that surfeit, the appetite may sicken, and so die.”

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” - Plato

A world without music is nothing more than a terrifying fantasy. The very prospect is difficult to consider. It would be a life without harmony, without a purified soul. A world without music would be a quiet place indeed.

The definition of music is very different to many people. Some say that music is the arrangement of sound and silence. Music is a pleasant sound which is a combination of melodies and harmony, and which soothes. Music may also refer to the art of composing such pleasant sounds with the help of various musical instruments.

Music is an aural form of art that is used to express emotion and touch the hearts of the listener through the use of phrasing, dynamics, style and tone color. Music is a very universal art form. There are not many people in this world who do not listen to at least some form of music whether it be pop or rock music on the radio, or the classical music of Beeth or Mozart. Each genre and style are very unique in its own way and some styles are more appealing to one person than another.

Music is a pleasant flow of melody in the air, which changes with rhythm and with a systematic playing method. Without even thinking about it, we use music to create desired moods- to make us happy, to enjoy movement and dance, to energize, to bring back powerful memories, to help us relax and focus. Music is a powerful tool for our personal expression within our daily lives.

Without music the world would be such a dull place. Just look around, there are so many different genres of music and so many different rhythms to listen to. People do not listen to the same type of music. Each type of music is tied to the culture or lifestyle of the people listening to it. For the most part, every type of music has a dance or movement associated with it.

This is the skill or art which a musician qualifies in himself, and this gives a soothing and cheerful musical performance for an audience. Music is considered one of the greatest boons of God for all living creatures. Music helps the sounds to get classified into a rhythm, which helps us to learn and practice music.

Music has a significant impact on everyone’s life, from people to trees, plants, animals, etc. Scientists have proved that disease can be effectively treated with music.

Although it is true that the lyrics of a song might be incomprehensible due to the language barrier, its melody is linguistically neutral. In fact, in order to feel the melody of a song, the listener does not need to fully understand the language in which the song is written.

Listening to and playing different tunes help us to remove stress, relax, and it can also help motivate us in trying times. Music has the ability to convey all sorts of emotions. It can be a way to deliver messages, a fine art, or nothing more than a source of entertainment.

No achievement can be as great as the emotional and spiritual uplifting that we get from music. Every rhyme of music has a special connection to help patients in terms of providing a soothing effect to heart diseases, weaknesses, insomnia, dementia as well as cancer. Music evokes emotions that bring memories.

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