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  • Sai Harshitha Mopuru

The Mysterious Thief

On a usual Saturday morning, Ava woke up to the rumbling of her stomach. Ava looked outside groggily and saw a heavy downpour outside. She got out of bed and looked in the mirror, tugging at her long, black hair. She pulled the clock off of her night stand and looked at the time. 6 o'clock, goodness! That's much too early for a holiday. Yawning, she thought that she might as well go with it.

Ava crept down the stairs to see whether her mom was up. But when she had descended, a horrible sight awaited her eyes. The floor was covered with mud and her sister's toys were all chewed up. But the most terrible and dirty place was the kitchen. The cupboards were open and food was scattered all over the place. It looked like the house had been a monster’s playground.Shocked, Ava ran to her mother and told her all about the strange mystery.

After a hasty breakfast, the rest of the day had gone into cleaning up the house. After they were done, they all decided to hit the hay. All except Ava. She decided to have a stakeout and catch the beast who had destroyed her home. When she was sure that everyone was asleep, she crept downstairs. After a few uneventful hours, she heard a scratching sound from the back door. Then she began to hear yelps and whines. She was so scared that she ran upstairs and called her parents. When they turned on the light, they laughed! It turned out that the monsters were a litter of puppies that were living on the road. Her parents called the pet shelter and the puppies had a safe place to live. After that Ava never worried about monsters in her house!

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